Its has been an exciting first six months of 2017 for Interplan.
Following our best ever year of turnover in 2016, Interplan have continued this growth into 2017. June 2017 ended with turnover up on the same period in 2016 and with a substantial amount of work in progress.
We have been extremely successful in securing much sought-after projects on both local, national and international levels. A summary of our successes is listed below and will form the focal point of some new cases studies and additions to the information contained within our website.
Education Sector
- New wayfinding projects at Burnley High School, Workington Academy which reinforced our position as one of the key suppliers in this sector.
- University of Strathclyde – face illuminated building identification text.
- The new Business and Law School at The University of The West of England.
- New brand building identification signage at The University of Northumbria, Newcastle.
- Rebranding of Sheffield College which was awarded in July and has to be completed during August before the students return from their vacation.
Retail Sector
- Additional signage at The Gate, Newcastle due to the arrival of new tenants. The completion of the original requirements to take place in early August.
- Intu – various types of Wayfinding signage supplemented by H&S signage for throughout the UK.
Public Sector
- National framework agreement with Network Rail – five year sole supplier framework status for all H&S and Wayfinding signage.
- Northumbria Water- a three year framework agreement for all of their H&S and Wayfinding signage on a national basis.
- Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Services – a one off tendered requirement for their Community Fire Stations within our region.