Street naming signs have been one of the core products that Interplan have built their business upon since its formation in 1985. We provide a comprehensive range of such signs in a variety of materials, from recycled plastic to aluminium and steel designed to meet all council, local authority and customer specifications. We have one of the largest databases for council and local authority’s specifications enabling Interplan to be able to manufacture street nameplates to an adoptable standard and high quality.
The signs can be post mounted using 50mm diameter powder coated aluminium circular hollow section posts, which are fitted to a fabricated aluminium tray containing non reflective, high impact resistant polycarbonate face panel with the text encapsulated within the sign.
Alternatively, signs van be cast in aluminium with raised artwork and text which are hand decorated. The signs are crafted in great detail and finished to a high specification to provide a low maintenance focal point for many years.